What is WiFi and how does it work 2022 – Guide

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Do you know what is WiFi and what is the history of this technology? Although the Internet has been around for many years, did you know how difficult it was to get an Internet connection in the past?

The network gave birth to the Internet. Previously, cables were the only way to send digital data. Only cables were used to connect to the internet. However, you should be aware that we humans prefer to work in a relaxed and trouble-free environment. They used to wonder how the Internet could function without cables.

As technology progressed, computer scientists developed a wire-free technology known as WiFi. Nowadays, everyone is well-versed in wireless technology. The youth of the new generation remain connected to the Internet through this wire less technology. So let us know in detail what is Wi-Fi.

What is WiFi

The full name of WiFi is Wireless Fidelity. This is a popular Wireless Networking Technology. There is such a technology, through which today we are using Internet and Network Connection.

Now, in layman’s terms, this is the technology that allows us to access the internet wirelessly on our smartphones, computers, and laptops today.

This allows you and me to connect to the Internet in a small amount of time. Nowadays, everyone only connects to the Internet via WiFi and, as a result, wirelessly transmits data, as with Share it and Xender. The term WiFi evolved from the terms wireless and Hi-Fi.

WiFi Standards

Examples of WiFi Standards are given below, about which you will understand when we discuss about the history further.

IEEE 802.11a: – was created in the year 1999 by IEEE, which works at 54 Mbps speed up to 115 ft on 5 GHz frequency.

IEEE 802.11b: – It was created in 1999 for home use, which operates up to 115 feet at 11 Mbps speed on 5 GHz frequency.

IEEE 802.11g: – was created in the year 2003 by combining 802.11a and 802.11b, which worked up to 125 feet at 54 Mbps speed on 2.4 GHz frequency.

IEEE 802.11n: – It was created in the year 2009 to work on both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz dual-band router. Its data sending speed was 54 Mbps and worked up to 230 feet.

IEEE 802.11ac: – It was created in the year 2009, which works up to 115 feet at the speed of 1.3 Gbps on 5 GHz frequency.

WiFi is a standard. Following the standard that we connect computers to the wireless network. There are as many Smartphones, Laptops, Printers and Computers in the present time. All of them have a WiFi chip. Through which we and you connect to the Wireless Router and use the Internet.

After wifi is enabled, once it is connected to the wireless router, then you can access the internet. But the Router also has to use DSL and Cable Modem to stay connected to the Internet. Otherwise there is no internet access.

WiFi is similar to Hi Fi, whose full form is High Fidelity. The full form of WiFi is not Wireless Fidelity, it is just a name. Selected by WiFi Alliance. It is also known as WLAN.

This technology uses Radio Waves. You use the Internet while roaming around. Let us now know how Wifi Technology works.

What is the full form of WiFi?
The full form of WiFi is Wireless Fidelity.

Who invented WiFi?
Wi-Fi was invented by John O’Sullivan and John Deane in 1991.

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History of Wi-Fi

WiFi was born in 1985. When the United States FCC announced that anyone can use the Wireless Frequency 900MHZ, 2.4 Ghz and 5.8 Ghz without a license. Then its history had begun.

You might not know that these bands were used in home appliances like Microwave. That’s why it was believed that they have no use at all. Especially there is no use in communication. Therefore, to make this band usable, the FCC had made its use mandatory. Which was named Speard Spectrum Technology.

The license for Spread spectrum technology was taken in 1941. George Antheil and Actor Hedy Lamarr were to pick up the license. This was the technology through which signals were sent with multiple frequencies. Nothing may happen with this change, but in that era, after this technology, there was a lot of improvement in wireless signals.

It failed to solve the Technology Interference Problems. Because the mobiles of that time already had Radio installed. Due to which there was a lot of impact in the quality of the signals.

At the same time a technology was emerging which was named WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network) which had many technical faults. Like there was no standard for WLAN. A lot of difficulties had to be faced in connecting the devices of different companies.

In 1988, the then NCR Corporation needed a wireless cash register. That is why he, with the help of Victor Hayes and Bruce Tuch, tried to make the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) a standard. The standard was ready in 1997 and whose name was quite attractive was the name “802.11”. It was published only in 1997.

At that time the speed of DATA transfer in 802.11 standard was about 2 megabits per second. 802.11a was published in 1999. Whose speed was about 54 Megabits Per Second. It was very expensive, so its next version was published which was named 802.11b, it was started of WiFi technology, this version was cheap and the range of this network was also very high.

802.11b It became popular within a very short time, due to which the fence of wireless technology had come in a way. Very fast it had established its position in the hardware market. Due to the range and compatibility, it was quite expensive.

For this reason, 6 companies joined together to form a Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance, or WECA. Through which it was tested whether there is WiFi Compatability or not.

In 2002, he introduced the term Wi-Fi, and Wireless, a term derived from HiFi. Whose name came to be known after a few years by the Wi-Fi Alliance. Now you must have understood what is the history of WiFi.

How does it work?

Nowadays everyone is using WiFi. Whether it is in the office or at home or in the hostel, but no one knows how this technology works. First of all, to use this technology, we need an electronics device.

Which is called Wireless Transmitter/Hub/Router. This device creates WiFi Network. This Wireless Device (Router), receives information through Broadband connection. Now there are some components inside it.

Which converts this information into Radio Waves. This device emits these Converted Waves out. Through this process, a small wireless signal area is formed. Which we call WiFi zone.

This small area takes the form of a WLAN (wireless local area network). All the devices in this small area like Smartphone, Laptop, Printer if all these devices have built-in Wireless Adapter. With the help of which you can easily get WiFi Signal.

Remember one thing if a mobile phone is connected to WiFi. To understand that there is a wireless adapter in that device. Due to not being strong Radio Signals, the distance of this network remains limited. Like inside a house and in the adjoining house, till the side of the road. Meaning its range remains from 10 to 20 meters.

Radio Waves can easily travel across the wall. For this reason, internet facility is also available in nearby rooms. However, a wireless router is enough for a house. The more you go to the router, the faster the Internet will run, the stronger the network will be.

When you send some information (Text, Image, Audio, Video) back to the Wireless Transmitter / Router, the same process will run in reverse. As you are connected to WiFi, I mean your Mobile. EX- You have sent a text message to your friend.

This message is converted into Radio Waves before exiting the mobile and after reaching the signal to the Transmitter/Router. The Transmitter/Router converts the text into a signal and transmits it to Broadband and the Receiver’s address remains in it. You must have known, this is how WiFi works.

Important information – There are some devices such as Mobile, Laptop, and Tablet in which the wireless adapter is already inside. For this reason, most of the smartphones get internet facility from WiFi. There are some such as Desktop does not have a wireless adapter in them.

That’s why they have to buy a Wireless Card or Adapter. Which is then put in the USB port of the desktop. Which we can access the Internet even in Desktop.

Features of WIFI

We also have many other ways through which we can use the Internet, but the question is whether it has such features for which this technology is special, so let’s friends know what is the specialty.

1. Efficiency

: When a technology is not proficient in something, we cannot call it efficient. Everyone uses cellular network for internet nowadays. But you do not know that the area of ​​cellular network is more.

But when you live in a moving vehicle, you use the Internet, but you keep connecting to different networks again and again. For this reason, the energy of your mobile is exhausted more. Now energy means battery or can be called charge.

But if we talk about WiFi then it uses Radio Waves. The electronics device you need for this is a router. You can use the router for short distances and provides high speed net service. In this the charge of your smartphone is also reduced.

2. Accessibility

: All the network provider companies are there. Compare them, no one else can give you a plan as cheap as WiFi. Whatever data remains in the mobile plan is in a few GB. If we talk about WiFi, then you can get a plan of 50 GB in this and even more.

Spend as much as DATA in this, there is no need for you to be limited. But the plans of companies like Sim like Airtel, Reliance jio, Vodafone are limited.

If you use more than the limit in the mobile network, then the money is deducted from the main balance. In mobile, you have to think every time which video to watch and which one not to watch. Only you will focus on data saving. That’s why wifi is the best in terms of net access and data.

3. Speed

If we compare the speed of Internet in a WiFi network with Mobile Network Speed, then the speed of this Wi-Fi is very high. In mobile network, if you are reading some mail and if you are reading book book online, then the speed of mobile is quite fine.

When it comes to video and audio downloading, nothing is faster than Wi-Fi.

Live streaming if you are doing from your mobile. Mobile simply has to wait for loading. No one can compete with WIFI in speed. The speed ranges from about 1mbps to 100 mbps.

4. Cost

: Now Jio is 4G, so people do not know how much is the bill. But a year ago that was the price of mobile data. Had to think about 100 times before recharge. Till now you have used all the free data of jio.

If it is calculated, then it is common to get a bill of 1 lakh. If you take a WiFi connection at home, then you will get a very cheap plan at a low cost.

Which you can not use alone but your whole family can use it. Due to being cheap, in Hostel, College, School, Office Vagera, use this cheap Internet Connection. You can also minimize your mobile bills through online video calling and voice calling.

Therefore it is cost effective and money saving. Let us now know about its advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of WiFi


This technology is quite user-friendly. You can easily connect any smart phone, tablet and laptop with wifi when that device should be in the range of wifi.


It is very easy to use it, you just have to turn on wifi. If there is a password. Enter password and connect. Enjoy the Internet.


Mobility means you can access the Internet from anywhere on the go. Like Bus, Train, Coffee shop, Super Market where this network is.


With the same WiFi Device, you can connect many other Mobile Devices. For example, 5 to 6 mobile devices can be connected with a router. It takes you very little time to do this connection.


As you know, accessing WiFi is very easy and its range is also fixed. Its speed is in Mbps. That is why it is used in other works. Like file sharing (Text, Audio, Video) like you do in File Sharing app.

Cost Control

If there are already many users connected to WiFi and you want another device to be connected as well. For this you do not need to spend a lot nor do you need any cables. Now talk about Broadband Connection, you need more Cables and Reconfiguration in this.


The most important and important advantage is that it is quite standardized. Meaning a WiFi Router can run in all the countries of the world.

Disadvantages of WiFi


Although you will find gigabit speed WiFi in the market, but till now Gigabit speed is not available in every location in them. But Gigabit Speed ​​is available in Cables.


This is a Medium dependent network. This means that the strength of the signals decreases as soon as the wifi signal crosses any wall. You know that WiFi has a fixed range.


You can access WiFi only in a fixed location. The farther you go, the less the strength of the network will be. Like you have to stay within 10 meters to 20 meters.


Nowadays, anyone can steal your data by entering any system through WiFi. That’s why this is the biggest disadvantage of this technology.

What is Wi-Fi 6?

Wi-Fi 6 is the next generation standard of WiFi technology. Wi-Fi 6 is also called “AX WiFi” or “802.11ax WiFi”. It has been built by further improving the Mehjuda 802.11ac WiFi standard.

It would not be wrong to call Wi Fi 6 the fastest WiFi of all time. If you people are not aware of the new technology of WiFi, WiFi 6 in Hindi, then let me tell you that it is going to bring a big revolution in the world of wireless technology. WiFi 6 is also known as “AX WiFi” and “802.11ax WiFi”.

Like I have said earlier, it has been made by bringing necessary improvements in the current 802.11ac WiFi standard. Basically, WiFi 6 has been created in response to the increasing number of devices in the world.

Wi-Fi standardWi-Fi name
802.11nWi-Fi 4
802.11acWi-Fi 5
802.11axWi-Fi 6


WiFi 6 appears to be an upgrade update for the WiFi router rather than an upgrade to the WiFi service in general. For example, if you have a VR device and multiple smartphone home devices, the WiFi 6 router can be an excellent choice.


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